Propose Special Issues

A Special Issue Proposal should include:

Title of Special Issue: Please summarize a title to reflect the subject of the Special Issue.

Guest editors: Please list all the Guest Editors’ information including name, affiliation, country, interests, email, website. Guest Editors make up a group to co-edit the Special Issue, among which there is a leader.

Summary: The guest editor needs to provide a summary of Special Issue including the introduction, main topics, type of submissions, and keywords. It briefly describes the aim and themes of the Special Issue.

Collecting plan: Guest Editors should provide a list of contributors.

Guideline of Special Issue

Special Issue Ethics:

Concrete Technology abides by the Code of Conduct of COPE and its Best Practice Guidelines. All Guest Editors and Assistant Editors need to protect the confidentiality of all submissions and reviewers. Guest Editors and reviewers must strictly abide by the policy of Conflict of Interest in the journal; if there is any potential conflict of interest, please take the initiative to inform the Editorial Office so as to evaluate whether it needs to change reviewers or editors. Authors should declare any potential conflict of interest to the publisher during the submitting section. Concrete Technology firmly rejects all unethical behaviors and requires all submissions to comply with Concrete Technology’s editorial policies. Any Guest Editor or reviewer should not ask authors to include their own papers for more citations if they are not relevant.

Special Issue Workflow:

New submissions should be submitted through the journal system. Guest Editors will check the content relevance to the scope of this Special Issue. Then, Assistant Editors will verify the originality of the submission with iThenticate. For the fairness and rigor of academic achievements, any manuscript unsuitable for originality will be rejected.

Guest Editors have the responsibility to oversight all the peer-reviewed process. They will assign new submissions to at least two reviewers for peer review. Submissions from Guest Editors should not be reviewed by this Guest Editor or experts from his/her affiliation. All the recommend decisions will be collected to Guest Editors, and they will make the final decisions and notify the authors.

If there are no enough papers submitted, Guest Editors may take actions for more submissions such as extending the submission deadline. However, the times of extending deadline is best to be not more than twice.

All accepted manuscripts will move to production, and they will be both on the list of a regular issue and Special Issue.