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Instruction for Typesetting Manuscripts Using MS Word

First Author1, Second Author2 and Third Author3*

1Department, Institution, City Postcode, Country.

2Department, Institution, City, State Postcode, Country.

3Department, Institution, City Postcode, Province, Country.


*Correspondence to: THIRD Author, Department, Institution, Detailed Address, City Postcode, Country; Email: author_id@domain_name

How to cite: First Author, Second Author and Third Author. Title. Jounal, year; vol(issue). Doi

Abstract: The abstract should provide a brief summary of the paper. It should not contain any non-standard abbreviations, acknowledgments of support, references, footnotes, or equations. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.

Keywords: Keyword1; Keyword2; Keyword3; Keyword4; Keyword5


1. Introduction

American English is desirable. Abbreviations should be spelled out when first used. If non-English words are used, such as de facto, they should be italicized. Authors are encouraged to have their manuscript proofread prior to submission.


2. Major Headings

Major headings should be typeset in boldface, with each initial letter of individual word should be capitalized (see example above).

2.1 Subheadings

Subheadings should be typeset in boldface, with the first letter of each word capitalized (see example above).

2.1.1 Sub-subheadings

Sub-subheadings should be typeset in italics only, with only the first word capitalized (see example above).


2.2 Numbering and Spacing

Sections, sub-sections and sub-subsections should be numbered in Arabic. Flush left all paragraphs that come after each section headings.


2.3 Lists of Items

Lists may be laid out with each item marked by a dot:

  • item one,
  • item two,
  • item three.

Items may also be numbered in lowercase Roman numerals:

  • item one,
  • item two,
  • lists within lists can be numbered with lowercase Roman letters,
  • second item.
  • item three.



3. Equations

Equations should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure and numbered on the right. The equations should be numbered consecutively within each section. Hence the equations under section 2 should be labeled (2.1), (2.2), etc. Use × rather than a centered dot, except for scalar products of vectors. The solidus (/) should be used instead of built-up fractions in running text and display wherever clarity would not be jeopardized.

Equations should be written in abbreviated form. Ensure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately afterward.

4. Figures

Figures should be inserted in the text as close as possible to the first reference (Figure 1). Materials that have been published previously should be accompanied by written permission from the author(s) and publisher.

Figure 1. Insert caption, legend and acknowledgement if necessary.


Figures are to be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. The caption is to be left alignment and placed below the figure. Figure captions start with “Figure” in front of the figure number, followed by a period, and the text should be in 10.5 pt Times New Roman. For figures that have more than one part, include the labels “(a)”, “(b)”, etc. (Figure 2). 

Figure 2. Insert brief title. (a) description of panel a. (b) description of panel b.


5. Tables

Tables should also be inserted in the text as close to the point of reference as possible. Tables should be numbered in a sequential order in the text in Arabic numerals. Table headings should be left alignment above the tables. Do not abbreviate “Table”.

In cases where the tables need to be extended over to the second page, the continuation of the table should be preceded by a caption, e.g., “Table 1. (Continued).”. Footnotes in tables should be written in superscript lowercase letters and placed below the table.

Table 1. Insert caption here


6. Footnotes

Footnotes may be added to provide supplementary information that need not appear in the text. They should be used sparingly. Footnotes should be numbered sequentially in superscript Arabic numerals1. Do not include footnotes in the reference list.



The acknowledgements section appears just before the references. This is the optional section where the authors could credit others for their guidance or help in writing the manuscript. Funding sources or sponsorship information may be included here too.


Authors Contributions

The contributions of all listed authors are optional; they could be described here if possible.


Ethics Statement

If your study involves humans or human data, then your article should contain an ethics statement which includes the name of the committee that approved your study. If the human data in your research is the secondary data (or a publicly available survey data or census micro sample), the ethics requirement can be waived. Ethics information should include IACUC permit numbers and/or IRB name, if applicable. This information should be included in a subheading labeled "Ethics Statement" after "Author's Contribution".


Availability of Supporting Data

This section is optional. The journal encourages all data used in the analysis to be deposited in available public repositories, presented in the main papers or attached as additional supporting files, in machine-readable format whenever possible.


Conflict of Interest

Declaration of conflict of interest.



Authors should cite references in sequence throughout the manuscript and indicate them in a superscript square bracket with one citation number[1], two separate citation numbers[2,3] or several consecutive citation numbers[4-8].

The References section lists books, articles, reports and other source types cited in the paper with the exception of unpublished works and personal communications. The journal generally follows the Harvard style of referencing with a few exceptions such as works with 4 or more authors will have only the first three authors named followed by “et al.” in italics as seen in the reference list below. References should be in numbered order. 


[1] Younger P. Using the internet to conduct a literature search. Nursing Standard, 2004; 19(6):45-51.

[2] Eqtait FA and Abushaikha L. Male involvement in family planning: An integrative review. Open Journal of Nursing, 2019; 9(3):294-302.

[3] Jackson D, Firtko A and Edenborough M. Personal resilience as a strategy for surviving and thriving in the face of workplace adversity: A literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2007; 60(1):1-9.

[4] Gamelin FX, Baquet G, Berthoin S, et al. Effect of high intensity intermittent training on heart rate variability in prepubescent children. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2009; 105:731-738.

[5] Hargreave M, Jensen A, Nielsen TSS, et al. Maternal use of fertility drugs and risk of cancer in children-A nationwide population-based cohort study in Denmark. International Journal of Cancer, 2015; 136(8): 1931-1939.


[1] Carr I, Kidner R. Statutes and conventions on international trade law. 4th ed. London: Cavendish; 2009. p. 11–14.

[2] Rojko JL, Hardy WD Jr. Feline leukemia virus and other retroviruses. 3rd ed. In: Sherding RG (editors). The cat: Diseases and clinical management. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1989. p. 229–332.


[1] Jones DL. The role of physical activity on the need for revision total knee arthroplasty in individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee [PhD Thesis]. Pittsburgh (PA): University of Pittsburgh, 2001. p. 436.

Conference papers:

[1] Kuroda H. Infrastructure and regional cooperation. Paper for Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics, 1-30. Tokyo, 2006 May 29-30. Washington, DC: World Bank. Available from:

Sources online:

[1] Anderson M and Perrin A. Technology use among seniors. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center for Internet & Technology. Available from: [Last accessed on 17 May 2017]


[1] Ning JZ. The main data of the seventh national census. China Information News, 2001 May 1 (001).



[1] Patentee 1, Patentee 2, Patentee 3, et al. (inventors). Patent owner (assignee). Patent Title. Patent country of origin. Patent number. Patent issue date (Year Month date).

Article in a language other than English:

  • Moreno C and Cendales R. Mortalidad y años potenciales de vida perdidos por homicidios en Colombia, 1985-2006 [Mortality and potential loss of life caused by murders in Colombia from 1985 to 2006]. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, 2011; 30(4):342-353. S1020-49892011001000008.
  • Lee EY and Bruckner T.Treats to security and ischaemic heart disease deaths: the case of homicides in Mexico [Threats to safety and deaths from ischemic heart disease: Murder in Mexico]. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2017; 46(1):173-179.


Appendix A. This is the Appendix

Supplementary materials that are excluded in the main body of the paper may be included in the appendices. These include derivations of equations and details of algorithms. Appendices should be used only when advanced technical details are essential to the paper, and should be included after the References section.

A.1. This is the subappendix

The number displayed equations occurring in the Appendix in this way, e.g., (A.1), (A.2).

A.1.1. This is the sub-subappendix

Appendix B. Another Appendix

In cases where there is more than one appendix, they should be numbered alphabetically.

In-text citations

In-text citations for unpublished works and personal communications should be identified with “(Authors, Year of unpublished works or personal communications, Unpublished)”. For example, (Chen and Jackson, 1998, Unpublished). In-text citations that will be listed in the References section should be cited with “(Authors, year of published)” in-text citation. For example, (Chen and Jackson, 1998).